Monday, August 11, 2008

Postponed surgery

Phew.... thank heavens i don't have to have surgery to get my wisdom teeth on wensday i was supposed to but then my doctor got in a car accident and so we had to reschedale and now its in October i was so glad i did not want to get my wisdome teeth out. The good thing is i only have 2 so i can still eat I will be eating a lot os shakes and jamba jucies but i am not looking forward to October but aleast its not on Wensday :)


Angie said...

ewweee. Wisdom teeth... How are you? I've been sick, yesterday it felt like I was on my death bed. Jeremy stayed home from work to help me at home today. I'm hopinh I'll be better for Bunco. I think it's awesome you "adopted" Wendy...She's beautiful! I love the pictures from Ross Park. I want to go there someday. My sister thinks you are gorgeuos and so do I. Talk soon, Angie

M said...

Having your wisdom teeth out isn't as bad as it sounds. It isn't like going to the park or the movies...but it isn't the worst ever. Just listen to what they tell you to do for post-care. Ask your mom and your aunt Amy what happens when you don't! haha. I love you!

Natalie said...

I had my wisdom teeth out at the age of 19! YUCK! I love the idea of helping an under privledged child! You are so thoughtful and kind! I might have to follow in your footsteps!

Karli said...

thats sucks i would hate that but i might have to get mine out to but i dont know when!