Thursday, December 25, 2008
What a good Christmas....
Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a happy new year.I got a lot of things this year, like a computer,camera,clothes, jewlery, and some other little stuff. My mom got a ipod touch and a tiffany braclet and some jewlery, makeup some little stuff like me. My dad got some golf clubs, a lot of gift certicates. This was a great Christmas for me i hope everyone had a good Christmas too! Here are some pictures, enjoy
Me with the clock my grandma gave me!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Family trip
This Thanksgiving most of my family went to Arizona my uncles didn't go but we sure did miss them! We had a fun time. We didn't do a lot of things like we usually do but it was relaxing. It rained when we got there and the next day and a little foggy on Friday but it didn't bother us it was still warmer than here.
The sunrise
Me and Misty
Me and my Mesquite magnet that i bought for a buck!
My aunt took this picture and she put the border on it! She did a good job.
A plant in my grandmas yard
Side shot
We went on a mule ride!!
My mom,me,misty in the car going to a garage sale
Going home from a expensive store and my aunt bought those earrings so we were trying to get her earrings in the picture.
When we went on are walk we saw a old recorder thing and my aunt took this great shot
In the car again.
Me and my aunts

My grandma and grandpa's fence
We went on a walk and there was a dead deer foot in the road and so we took a foot shot with it haha it was so funny
cracked earth
A cactus
A cactus
Misty on a old bicycle
A bench by my grandmas house
foot shot
Me and my grandpa
My aunts dog,Rico

Friday, November 14, 2008
Past photos!
Here are some pictures from a while ago when i was younger! They are so fun!
I love this picture!

Me in first grade!

Me when i was a baby!
Me and Blane!
I am the one standing up.
Me and Blane again!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I love it!
Monday, October 20, 2008
The other day my friend braided her hair and i thought it was cute so i decided to braid my hair! We did it on Friday night to see what it would look like to see if i wanted to do it to school just incase it turned out bad! Then we did it Sunday night and it took a while but i thought it was really cute and i want to do it again sometime and i hope i will soon and here are some pictures of my hair....
Me with my braids!
Me after my braids!!!

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