The other day my friend braided her hair and i thought it was cute so i decided to braid my hair! We did it on Friday night to see what it would look like to see if i wanted to do it to school just incase it turned out bad! Then we did it Sunday night and it took a while but i thought it was really cute and i want to do it again sometime and i hope i will soon and here are some pictures of my hair.... Me with my braids!Me after my braids!!!
Today i got my wisdom teeth removed at 8:30 in the morning! I went there they put me in the room and they put oxygen in one arm. Then she put three electrodes on me they had a mounter and it had my heart rate and my blood pressure. They were very nice to me and talked to me until the doctor came in so when he came in he had to give me an ivy so he put a blue thing tight on my arm and rubbed some stuff on it and put some really cold stuff on it and it didn't work then they tried somewhere else on that arm and it didn't work then they tried the other arm and moved the oxygen on the other arm and it didn't work then he moved the oxygen on my left ankle and it finally worked so he had to give me four ivy's! Then they put tubes in my nose and i was out! Then after i was done i woke up and there was a blanket on me and they helped me up and put my jacket on(i was really disy from the medicine so she walked me and there was a door out the back that you can park up to and pick up your child so my mom did that and she walked me there and she put my seat belt on for me and my mom took me to Jamba Juice and got me a yogurt thing it was really good then she went to mrs. powells and got me some soup and then went to albertsons and went to redbox and got me a movie. then we went home ate some soup then i took a nap and durning my nap every one decided to call my mom and see how i was doing! Then my grandma and grandpa came up and they got me a gift certicate to itunes and brought cookies. THANK YOU GRANDMA AND GRANDPA!!!!!! then we went and got some mashed poatoes at kfc and got some ice cream at artic circle then went home and my grandma rubbed my feet and thank you again grandma! Here are some pictures sorry they look a little scary i am really pale and my eyes are swollen!!
I am an only child and granddaughter! I am a freshman at Hillcrest high school! I hate the school but oh well.. :) I love to hang with my friends! My family means the most to me! I love hanging with them! I also love to dance! :)